Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Does God Exist in a Real Estate Office?

Big question. I used to ask this question in general, Does God Exist? Funny thing about Real Estate. God proves to us He exists everyday. When our clients cry their eyes out because they've lost THE home they thought they couldn't live without, what happens? Normally, the most wonderful home that fits all of their needs suddenly appears at a better price with much less hassle. I've witnessed it too many times during my career. Or, how about a negotiation that just won't happen? Yes, our clients are disappointed, UNTIL they get the relocation notice from their employer. So, He's definitely guiding our lives. But, can God Exist in a Real Estate office?

Even in this politically correct world, in a large office with over 120 agents right in the middle of Birmingham, Alabama, I can say with certainty, God does exist. How proud I am to work for a company so BOLD that stands behind its Christian principles, but at the same time accepts people of all faiths. In our Keller Williams office, we don't ask you to leave the core of who you are outside the front door. And, because we are of such faith, our office is a better place to work. People aren't ashamed to claim their blessings, nor to pray for our clients and our fellow agents. When God exists in your workplace, a spirit of cooperation develops among the people and the tasks at hand.

I see God everyday in our office. It shows in the excitement on the faces of our agents that stuff the God Box full of prayers that sits on my messy desk. It's a feeling everywhere. The unusual or painful situations that happen to bring the people in our office closer so they know they are not alone. The gutt feeling of just knowing you're in the right place to develop your career and your life. It's God. I've worked in our other Real Estate offices that were hollow; where not a word was spoken of Him. It just isn't the same. Thankfully, we do actually SELL Real Estate in our office and not attend a church event everytime we walk in the front door. But, He's here and He has a hand in all we do. What do you think? How's your workplace?

Monday, August 27, 2007

Winners That Whine in the Real Estate Industry!

Winners That Whine in the Real Estate Industry.

It's funny how a slowing market brings out the absolute best in business minded Realtors. But, at the same time, a lot of whining comes from those agents that have always been successful by waiting on the phone to ring. Yes, we're in a buyer's market. So what. Professionals do what professionals do. They take the bull by the horns and get back to 1 on 1 contact; direct prospecting. Thankfully, Birmingham is in a much better position than many other cities across the nation. Our Keller Williams listings are still selling quickly if PRICED RIGHT. Our agents Must get back to pinpointing the exact science in which a property has the highest propensity in selling. It's not magic. It's EXPERIENCE.

When agents whine about the market being so terrible, it makes me angry. Get out and get some business. Gary Keller said at Mega Agent Camp that, "We are unemployed until we are face to face with a client." So, stop your whining and get face to face. Be a foot soldier and get back to basics. No more waiting on the phone. It's not going to ring. But, if it does, it will ring while you're out seeking new business.

Why is it that some agents embrace a buyer's market? It's because the Best ones KNOW that this is the time of opportunity; the time when sellers need a Realtor who is serious about getting their Birmingham property SOLD. Just imagine if You had the right tools and systems in place in your business to make a difference and take advantage of the changing market. What would your life be like?

Let's discuss it more. Contact me at getarealestatelife@gmail.com
Genny Williams
Team Leader / CEO
Keller Williams Realty - Birmingham Vestavia office