Thursday, July 2, 2009

Don't Let July Be Dry!

In Birmingham, Alabama, July is when people and families disappear to the Gulf Coast beaches, to the many surrounding lakes, to the nearby Smokey Mountains, or to some other vacation destination. Because many people have become budget minded this year, we may not see the ghost town that is normally here in July. But, if you're a Realtor, there's only one thing to do to avoid July from being your driest month; make MORE calls to dig up leads.

You will most likely have to complete more dials with less contact because people are out of town. But, start your dialing day early and leave messages if you must. Normally, leaving messages isn't the best thing to do. But, you'll be a huge step ahead of the other Realtors that are out of town and off the month of July.

When so many people are in vacation mode, it's easy to become complacent. Don't let it happen to you. Use your calendar to Time Block summer fun AFTER your calls have been made. Give yourself a goal of contacts you actually get to speak to each day before you can get off the phones and on to fun. Then, when you're out and about, always take information about all of your listings and your value proposition (the reason people should hire you) with you to pass out to Moms and Dads at the pool, baseball games, water parks, etc. And, don't forget to get people's names and contact numbers so you can call them, too.

July doesn't have to be dry. One of the agents I'm working with has 6 closings already scheduled for July. Many others have 3 and 4. So, you still have time. Pick up the phone and start dialing!!! Create your BEST July yet!