Saturday, May 9, 2009

Experiencing My Own Funeral

Recently, I've gotten to come as close as one can to experiencing my own funeral. I was FIRED. Not for doing a bad job, but for "communication issues." Which is funny because I'm such a communicator; even have a degree in communication. But, God has a way of taking a terrible experience and showing you how trivial it can really be. The support and love I have been shown through all of this has overwhelmed me and amazed me to actual tears; which is odd for me.

The cards, emails, text messages, face book notes, voice mail messages, and phone calls have been incredible. I had 54 email messages in one day saying how much I'll be missed and the little things I did for each individual that made a difference in his or her life and or business. It was very much like reading notes about a deceased. Especially when you read emails going back and fourth across the entire city discussing how you were fired in open forum without addressing you. It was like I had already died. Most emails were very passionate in defending me and my leadership, some were opinions about the company and its leadership, and of course, the President of my fan club, (not really) said a few carefully chosen words about how his experiences with me were "different." Excellent way to say he couldn't stand me; just like speaking of the dead.

These positive messages were the only thing that made the whole situation worth it. Not that I want to experience it again, ever, but wow! Get FIRED and you too can see how much people love you.

When I die, no one will have to say a word because it's already been said. At 37 though, I have plenty of time to screw up, disappoint, and change opinions. Amen and God Bless.

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